  • October 22, 2024
8 Types of Video to Improve B2B Marketing

The need for video in Business to Business (B2B) marketing has increased steadily and continues to be a marketing tool for brands. In 2021 alone, 86% of businesses used video as a marketing tool, with 93% saying it was an important part of their strategy. Not only does it provide engaging content and increase brand awareness, but also can be incorporated seamlessly into any B2B marketing strategy, at any point of their marketing funnel.

Video is a huge opportunity for brands, but where do we begin to start and navigate? Repurposing content is an easy way to create videos from blogs, but what if there is other written content you’d like to repurpose? What are the types of videos you can create?

Here are 8 different video types (and use case examples!) that suit your everyday B2B and Enterprise needs:

  1. Product Videos
  2. Testimonial Videos
  3. Explainer Videos
  4. Customer & Case Study Videos
  5. Teaser & Promotion Videos
  6. Interview Videos
  7. Company Updates Videos
  8. Live Stream Videos

1. Product Videos

Give ‘em the quick rundown or show off your amazing solution. Creating product videos that provide a “how-to” or a step-by-step process, not only provides engaging content, but also content that can be easily digested and used daily. As an enterprise company, these types of videos can be used during sales calls, customer calls, on your “resource” page, etc.

Here’s what we created as part of our launch for 20 new video templates:

Source: Lumen5 Youtube Channel

2. Testimonial Videos

Who better to talk and rave about your business than your clients or customers themselves? Get with your champions and give them the space to voice their experiences. This is a great way to engage with your loyal clients and builds trust. Testimonials can come in all shapes and forms, but video is by far the most effective as it visually captures the expressions and emotions. By humanizing your product, other customers are more likely to build a connection faster and recommend your business to their network as well.

Omada: Customer Testimonial Video

Just like this example, it shows how video can allow strangers to become friends – building strong relationships and brand awareness is a huge way to combat any objections from new clients. As users move through the customer journey, videos like case studies and testimonials can drive home the value of your product and convert them from leads into loyal clients.

3. Explainer Videos

“Let me just show you instead.” How many times have you been in this situation before?

Sometimes words don’t do justice and that’s when video comes in handy. No need for misunderstandings as simple explainer videos provide the information needed, while providing a visual aspect alongside. B2B businesses can utilize these types of videos by addressing issues and FAQs or even by providing more context on a specific feature.

With Lumen5, explainer videos can be easily created to address any questions or concerns that your sales team may be facing during their day to day, as they address concerns now and save time in the future. We created a video explaining what a talking head video is and how to incorporate it into your video creation strategy.

Source: Lumen5 Youtube Channel

4. Customer & Case Study Videos

Not just talk the talk, but walk the walk.

Customer and case study videos go hand in hand with testimonial videos. By giving your customers the freedom to express their thoughts from an authentic viewpoint, but also providing your company the space to humanize themselves and connect with their customers, customer and case study videos are the perfect type of video.

Creating these types of videos show how someone can benefit from your product, especially when they explain it themselves. They allow you to enhance trust through relatable content – a major trend in the video marketing space.

Source: Dropbox Youtube Channel

In the video above, you can see how Dropbox tell the great stories of its customers through the power of video.

5. Teaser & Promotion Videos

Create hype, get hyped, spread hype!

B2B strategies can easily take advantage of incorporating this in their marketing funnel! Similar to how new movies release trailers and teasers, when releasing a new feature or even taking on a bigger project like a rebrand, promotional videos are the right way to go. Creating buzz around your product or company is a great way to engage with the audience – either in spreading the hype in the comment section or sharing and reposting.

Teaser videos can be uploaded as a Youtube Video, as well as across business’ social media channels – encouraging engagement tenfold. At Mailchimp, they built anticipation with this promo video for its new podcast. (Also another B2B marketing channel for great engagement!)

Source: MailChimp Youtube Channel

6. Interview Videos

Are you a fan of Hot Ones? Is it because of the chicken wings or is it because of the guest on the show? Most likely your interest peaked because of the guest being interviewed.

Interview videos with celebrities, influencers, or industry experts are a great way to bring brand awareness and lead generation. By uploading and working with people in a certain field, these interview style videos can easily attract other like-minded individuals, who could be your ICP or target audience. This also educates your audience while establishing your company’s authority in your niche, providing value.

As part of their clean energy initiative, Virgin interviewed one of their investors, BMR’s CEO, Bruce Levy to discuss clean energy innovation and their project focused on rebuilding a hurricane damaged solar farm. Virgin reused their interview content and created a short snippet, which they repurposed and re-shared on their social media platform.

7. Company Updates Videos

Probably the most underrated, but the best type of video for B2B enterprise companies to include.

Wondering how to let your audience know what’s new about your company? We strongly suggest considering sharing your company news through online videos.

Through this method, you visually explain the latest updates about your company or product so people can get a better understanding. Company updates are much more exciting when there’s a face compared to uploading a press release, for instance. Zoom did this in the following video, announcing the Zoom Contact Center:

Source: Zoom Youtube Channel

8. Live Stream Videos

No time better than the present, am I right? With the rise of streamers on platforms like Discord or Twitch – or even platforms including live video features, such as Instagram and Facebook, “acceptable content” has moved away from strictly only high quality, high production to low quality, low production.

Live streams are raw and in real-time, allowing companies or individuals to conduct live interviews, engage genuinely with viewers, and also reach a high-targeted audience. Live stream videos can easily be repurposed throughout your B2B marketing funnel.

As you might already know, Apple has a great understanding of the power of live streaming, which is why it’s so often used for new product launches. Apple’s live stream event has generated over 8.5 million views!

Source: Apple Youtube Channel

Hopefully the B2B video marketing landscape seems a bit less daunting with our breakdown of the different types of video. And hopefully, you as a marketer or creator, feel much more comfortable starting out in your video creation journey. By incorporating these different video types into your B2B content strategy, you are bound to increase lead generation and brand awareness significantly.

If you’re still a bit hesitant about how to kick start your B2B marketing strategy, we might have just what you’re looking for through our wide variety of tools. Lumen5 can help you create any of the videos you’ve seen above, simply and easily.

From adding text and audio to your videos to creating videos in a matter of minutes with the help of our AI software, don’t hesitate to sign up with Lumen5 for free to get started! Make video part of your B2B marketing strategy today.