  • March 31, 2025

Strong branding is the backbone to all creative content. But what makes videos exciting and engaging? It’s the story the brand wants to tell.

Taking inspiration from Greg Hoffman, Joel Alcala, Creative Director at Lumen5, shares with us one piece of advice: think of branding as a frame. The frame refers to brand identifiers — logo, fonts and colours. All of them should be strong and identifiable. The picture inside the frame is the story the brand wants to tell. And stories are framed by their brand identifiers.

However, the stronger the frame, the more powerful the stories can become. Just don’t let the frame overshadow the picture within it.

About Joel Alcala

Joel has been in the creative industry for two decades and held jobs in three countries. Joel’s drive to use storytelling to help brands and companies create more effective video led him to Lumen5. He and his award-winning team design video templates to help customers scale up their on-brand video content and tell brand stories that will resonate with their audiences—and keep them from clicking away.


Corporate video content has a reputation for rigidity and for being unwatchable, but brand video is an increasingly creative field. Joel Alcala, believes that storytelling allows you to connect with your customers on a deeper level, even–or especially–if you’re a B2B company. Sure, facts and figures are important. But behind brands are actual people making key decisions. And everyone can relate to a good story.

By balancing that with intentional guardrails, video can be a highly effective way to create branded content that your audiences will actually want to watch. He understands that every business has specific needs when it comes to video creation, and brand consistency is very high on the priority list.

Even though B2B companies sell to other businesses, those businesses are made up of people. And the decision-makers are people. You have the opportunity to connect with these decision-makers on a personal level. So my suggestion is to really start tapping into those emotions by storytelling, so you can hear them say “Well, now you’ve got my attention. Go on. Tell me more.”

Joel Alcala, Creative Director of Lumen5 on Supercharge Marketing Podcast

What will you learn:

  • How to balance cleverness and creativity perfectly
  • How to make your B2B videos entertaining
  • Why creating a connection isn’t enough
  • Why branding is the most important component to a video
  • How branded templates free up time for creativity

Why should you care?

  • B2B doesn’t mean your videos have to be boring
  • To create effective campaigns, branded guardrails are a must to keeping you on track
  • Focusing your efforts on creativity instead of creation is the key to compelling content
  • Stories are great but making your brand recognizable should be the priority

This episode of the Supercharge Marketing podcast is available to listen to on all main streaming platforms including SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsAmazon Music and more. Listen here.

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